For We Are Never Truly Alone...
There comes a time when most of us as Humans, would tend to believe or judge people who are less financially fortunate as ourselves would condemn them and see them as a lower Being. It is an illusion as all Beings are made Equal and all of us are Connected, we are all brothers & sisters in the Spiritual World.I have realized my mistake, my family has been changing "maids" quite a few times the past 2 years and constantly I keep thinking, ''What are we doing wrong to make them constantly leave us? Why are they not happy working with us?" I am clear that my family is quite negative and we have quite a bit of karma, possibly above average haha! But, other that the fact we judge and condemn and look down on those of lower statuses, we are also really kind and compassionate to people less fortunate than us. So why is it that we condemn maids or helpers or servants? I recently read a Book called "The Spiritual Laws by Vicent Guillem'' and I have realized exactly what my family and I have been doing wrong. We have been breaking the Spiritual Law of Karma and that is why we keep accumulating more karma and yet can't seem to rid of it no matter how many times I have tried to resolve it through healing or joining. Or even through past life meditations and ancestral healing.
So to just jump right into my experience as I am solely just sharing my own life experience for this life. Our family have been looking down on maids for a really long time, even starting from my grandparents. Not sure about my great grandparents though haha! What I have realized is that we practically give the maids pretty much NO FREE WILL. Meaning, we would always tell them to clean whichever, do whatever, according to the way we want it, according to HOW we do it. Which is already breaking another Spiritual Law of the Universe which is the Law of Free Will as written in the book.
I am truly lucky to have encountered the free PDF online, though I have understood most of what Isaiah had already said, there is always more to learn. Though I have to say the book isn't meant for those who are very sensitive, I know that I nearly got offended a few times but I understand it is all spoken only in Truth, Honesty and Love so as it is not tainted at all. Plus the ego is the one that gets hurt, not who we truly are as an Energy Being.
Continue on, we have always suppressed and somewhat try to control the maids, thinking that we are more superior than them just because we pay them a monthly salary. How untrue this is. When the maids do the acts of service, to serve us and to be in charge of cleaning our homes and even sometimes our pets or children, sometimes also our clothes, they are already doing something for that energy exchange of money. Just like how when we go for classes, we pay a certain amount of money to someone and tend to think that they are more superior than us. How untrue that belief truly is.
''For one cannot exist without the other''
The teacher cannot exist without the students, so as to how an employer cannot exist without an employee, however that doesn't mean one is superior to the other because we are all made equal as spiritual beings. We all have free will to do what we want. How the student pays the teacher to learn education in exchange is also the same as how the teacher teaches something in exchange for money. In no way is the person giving or receiving the money of a higher importance. They are both the same, therefore the maid working for us also has free will as to NOT work for us. And also as we have given her payment for her usage, she has given us acts of service in exchange. Although it might not be up to our standards at times, no one is the same, we were all brought in different environments as well and have different sets of beliefs. What we might consider as dirty might be considered as clean for them and what they might consider dirty, we might consider as clean for us. Especially more so if they come from less developed places. Our thinking would just have too much gap in between. We can only learn to have faith, trust that they will do what they are meant to do and if they forget we can always remind them. As we are also the same as when working for others. It is simply a law of karma. What we give out is what we receive back, and sometimes we even think "What the heck did I do to receive this kind of treatment?"
Simple, just think back and look within. All the answers will come in time. This explains why my family is in a lot of debt and also why many people have come to hurt us or cheat us as well, what we must do is learn from it and not do the same unto others, else we are only creating more debts and having to rectify it again in later stages or in future lifetimes.
It is very important to remember to put ourselves in the shoes of those we condemn, because as we do that, there will be someone in our lives also doing that to us.
"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you" & the same for ''Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you" because ultimately what we do to other people is also a reflection of what we are doing unto ourselves.
When one love and accepts themselves fully they will also do the same to others. How we treat ourselves is fully reflected on how we treat others. It is always so important to reflect back and to look within as to why we just did that thing to that person. It is mostly because we did not like that same thing that is within us, therefore condemning them.
I am also learning, to be more self-aware and to give more unconditional love & acceptance instead of judgments. As when we judge others, we are also judging ourselves. The only way to true freedom and liberation from suffering is to fully Love and Accept ourselves exactly as we are. To forgive others when we have been hurt , To forgive ourselves when we have hurt ourselves, To forgive those whom we have hurt as well and To forgive our inner Divine. Will we then let go of all grievances and finally be Free. Learning to be more self-aware and to know when we are doing something hurtful unconsciously (irregardless to ourselves or others) can be done with much practice and conscious choice to choose Love over Fear. It can always be done no matter how many mistakes we make because the Universe is ever-loving and so is God.
We will always be forgiven and loved and supported for as long as we choose to hear that wisdom within us. In Silence is when the answers we seek will come. To Choose Love.
I Choose Love. To forgive everyone & myself. To accept my helper as she is. To trust that she will do whatever, To accept & appreciate all the work she does (irregardless of whether up to my standards) as well as To respect her free will to do other things. This is my Promise.
To have Faith.
All is Well, All will be Well.
P.S. for those who want to take a look at the Book, however please be grateful for those who have willingly shared this PDF with us & not misuse it in any way. I am Thankful to have come across this, and I hope after reading it, you will too. As I am Thankful for You and for everything in this Universe.
Namaste Loved One,
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