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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Law of Cause & Effect (AKA Karma or Spiritual Justice)

For We Are Never Truly Alone... There comes a time when most of us as Humans, would tend to believe or judge people who are less financially fortunate as ourselves would condemn them and see them as a lower Being. It is an illusion as all Beings are made Equal and all of us are Connected, we are all brothers & sisters in the Spiritual World. I have realized my mistake, my family has been changing "maids" quite a few times the past 2 years and constantly I keep thinking, ''What are we doing wrong to make them constantly leave us? Why are they not happy working with us?" I am clear that my family is quite negative and we have quite a bit of karma, possibly above average haha! But, other that the fact we judge and condemn and look down on those of lower statuses, we are also really kind and compassionate to people less fortunate than us. So why is it that we condemn maids or helpers or servants? I recently read a Book called "The Spiritual Laws by Vicen