Life After Life
Self is also known as the Inner God, the Higher Self, the True Self, our Consciousness (many different labels)
!!! It is important to remember that words are like signposts, many people have different definitions of words, therefore so long we understand we don't need to be attached to them !!!
We come to Earth as a speck of consciousness from the Source.
We come for unique experiences, for our own evolution
We select the environments, womb, our parents, our life situations, the whole design of life is known to the Self. (we will only remember this when we are connected to our Self, and to the Source, will we find the answers and the Truth of Life).
After selecting the mother, consciousness enters the mother's womb so the fetus gets life.
Consciousness will travel frequently to the Source while still in mothers womb.Day 1 of birth until Age 7 years old is when Self/Consciousness is still aware of the Source
Age 7 yrs old, Mind is formed. 14 yrs old is when Mind is fully formed
Age 14 yrs old, Intellect forms. 21 is when Intellect is fully developed
Age 21 to 28 is where one experiences a combination of Mind, Body and Intellect
From Age 28 life depends on self-knowledge.
If one isn't aware of the Self, one’s consciousness will lie between the body and the mind, because of this, misery starts as he/she cannot understand life situations.
If one isn't aware of the Self, one’s consciousness will lie between the body and the mind, because of this, misery starts as he/she cannot understand life situations.
Rigidness blocks cosmic flow. When One cannot understand the purpose of life, they will not complete the mission of coming to earth.
Even after death, the rigid mind cannot let consciousness reach the Source
Therefore, they end up creating their own heaven and hell. Staying as a low astral being (eg. spirits)
When One has Higher knowledge and Understanding of Third Eye, Astral Travel, of Birth and Death.
One will have perfect understanding of Mind, Body, Intellect, Self and Life Force
Consciousness is a combination of energy and knowledge
Consciousness comes to this plane/earth to gain more energy, knowledge and to create
After living with this knowledge and understanding for awhile, One will achieve even higher knowledge and understanding of the whole creation and how it began.
Whatever One thinks, says or does will all be manifested.
We all can achieve Enlightenment (becoming of God) , therefore we all can connect to God by seeking within as God lies in our hearts and not in the Mind
We all can achieve Enlightenment (becoming of God) , therefore we all can connect to God by seeking within as God lies in our hearts and not in the Mind
There is NO Death, WE Are Eternal Beings. Therefore fearing of death is unnecessary.
P.S. This is all found in the video below, I just summed up the process of Life and a little of Death. Thanks for reading:) More information will be shared soon! Blessings to All. Namasteππ
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